Diversity on the work floor
Manage your global workforce
Make sure that you are well-prepared for your global business. Cultural intelligence is key and enhances professional effectiveness in working across borders. Intercultural Communication was founded in 1994. Our rich local experience in 40 countries, helped bridge cultural differences in global organizations and in multicultural teams.
Understand that people from around the world vary widely in their working, learning, and communication styles.
Everything on intercultural communication
Keynote Speaker
As an intercultural consultant speaking eight languages, having lived in six countries, and working in 40 countries, Eleonore has a truly global mindset. As a key-note speaker, she inspires people to think in an international context. Her books and articles on culture-related topics are used across businesses and universities and are often cited in papers, Ph.D. studies, research for documentaries, and talk shows.
Go to PublicationsABOUT US
Over 30 years we specialized in improving the interactions in global settings. Due to travel restrictions during the Covid pandemic we closed our Training and Consultancy branch in 2020.
However, we keep on publishing culture-related books and articles and volunteer in advising global not-for-profit organizations. Our hometowns are Amsterdam in The Netherlands, and Colombo, in Sri Lanka. Discover our articles

Specifically Tailored
Highly interactive, hands on and tailored to specific learning and communication styles. Our training sessions are fun, engaging and dynamic with opportunity for participants to actively explore the issues at hand. We recognize that clients from around the world will vary widely in their preferred styles of learning and communication. We ensure that all training matches these styles for maximum impact.
Contact us for more informationPublications
As an intercultural consultant, having lived in six countries, worked in 40 countries and speaking eight languages, Eleonore has a true global mindset. Her books and articles on culture related topics are used across businesses and universities and often cited in papers, PhD studies, research for documentaries and talk shows. She authored over a 100 articles for the traditional printed media and numerous articles on-line.
Her book “Achter de Glimlach van de Sri Lankaan” (2019), the English translation “Behind the Smile of the Sri Lankan” will soon be published. Wereldwijd Zakendoen 1999 (Doing Business Globally) was brought out in 1999. Check out our latest articlesWORLD
Overcome language barriers in global business
Misunderstandings, irritations, feelings of exclusion and a sense of inferiority, are daily challenges for non-native English speakers trying to communicate in the language of global business. What exactly happens.
What does service-minded mean in various culturesThe concept of “service-minded” differs from country to country. A lack of appreciation for these differences across cultures can lead to disappointment for both the party at the receiving end and the one providing the service.
Strengths and weaknesses of multicultural relationshipsWhy do people of different nationalities easily fall in love and become a happy couple when living together in a foreign host country? When one of them decides to take a job in his or her home-country, they move! But what happens next? Which emotional obstacles do they face?
Inspire your audience in a 4 minute speechCan you get undivided attention when giving a presentation? Can you motivate your clients and colleagues to take the necessary action? Can you adapt your presentation style to the cultural background of your audience? Yes, you can!
International negotiationsNegotiating is a process in which two or more people discuss common and conflicting interests to reach an agreement of mutual benefit. Using a framework can help you take appropriate actions before and during negotiations and to anticipate your counterpart’s approach. You can adapt the framework outlined in this article to the specific cultural context and negotiation style of various European countries.
Meetings that matter in EuropeA meeting is not only a good occasion to gather information, discuss innovations, present new policies and products, solve problems or make decisions together or communicating decisions already made.
Communicating Across Borders – Northern Europe I
If the name “European Union” gives you the impression that the countries of the EU really form an internal union, you are unfortunately mistaken.
Communicating across Borders – Southern Europe IIIn this article we will take you on a cultural journey through the southern region of the European Union. This region is also referred to as the Mediterranean. The area includes the countries of Italy, Spain, Portugal, France and Malta.
French business culture and etiquette
How we look upon and judge the lifestyle and workplace of other cultures depends on how we view the world from our own cultural background.
German culture and etiquette
Germany is a large ountry with a substantial internal market. Nevertheless, German organizations are strongly represented worldwide. Many countries consider Germany to be an important and trusted business partner. In contrast to other countries large German business are often family companies.
Dutch business culture and etiquette
How we look upon and judge the lifestyle and workplace of other cultures depends on how we view the world from our own cultural background.
Royal glitter in the sober Dutch egalitarian cultureThe Argentinean born Queen Maxima of the Netherlands once said in an official speech “There is no Dutch identity”. That statement was not well received by the Dutch public.
The Indian Mind set
Mindsets play an important role in how members of a social group perceive a situation, respond to it, and manage their interaction with group members and those outside of their immediate circle.
American culture and etiquette
Americans address each other informally, usually on a the first name basis. This can make it challenging to find out if you speak to the CEO or to the receptionist when at a social event.
Wereldwijd Zakendoen
Breukel,E, van Eijk, I (1999) Wereldwijd Zakendoen. Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Publisher Contact ‘Doing Business around the World’ (Wereldwijd Zakendoen) gives a good insight into the differences in doing business in 19 countries. Eleonore Breukel and Inez van Eijk explain how and why business values differ from country to country and how to be successful in working abroad. Communicating, networking, meeting and negotiating are discussed as well as the history and political background of the countries. Practical tips make it a handy book for business people, students and authors. The book is in the Dutch language.
Latest Citations
Where Dutch directness comes from
BBC Eleonore Breukel is cited on Dutch directness and the so-called “Poldermodel”
Zo ziet onze typisch Nederlandse directheid eruit door de ogen van de BrittenEVA JINEK Eleonore Breukel is cited on why Dutch people value openness more than kindness.
We delivered intercultural programs for
Corporate: Apple Europe, ABNAMRO, Fortis, ING, RaboBank, AON, Equens, Deloitte, TMF, Robert Bosch Group, Shell, Wärtsila, Tata Steel, Tata Consultancy Services Mumbai, DHL, Kluwer, Heinz, Diageo, Van der Landen Industries, AE Rotor Techniek, Suzlon, LM Windpower, RubberNetwork, EmmayHR-Randstad India, Unilever, Heinz, Van Melle, Vlisco, Capgemini, Chiron, Symantec, SAP, Oracle India, Centocor, Johnson & Johnson, Astellas Pharma, Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Dishman Pharmaceuticals USA, Organon, Janssen Biologics, RubberNetwork, Yves Rocher, Expatica, SKVC Vilnius.
Governments and NGOs: Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, Dutch Ministry of Defense, Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Dutch Ministry of Internal Affairs, CBI, Agentschap.NL, RVO, Clingendael Institute, FOM, the National Ombudsman, ECN Energy Center Netherlands. Higher Education: University Nyenrode, Erasmus University, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Business School, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, University Maastricht, Institute of Asian Business Management Rotterdam, TU Delft, Hoge Economische School Amsterdam, InHolland Business School. Corporate Training Institutes: Apple Academy Capgemini Academy, Van DerLanden Academy, ILC-Language Center, Boertien Training.s.