Wereldwijd Zakendoen

We prepare you to manage your global business

Wereldwijd Zakendoen

06/08/2018 Uncategorized 0

Breukel,E; van Eijk,I (1999) Wereldwijd Zakendoen. Amsterdam, Nederland. Publisher Contact

‘Doing Business around the World’ (Wereldwijd Zakendoen) gives a good insight into the differences in doing business in 19 countries. Eleonore Breukel and Inez van Eijk explain how and why business values differ from country to country and how to be successful in working abroad. Communicating, networking, meeting and negotiating are discussed as well as the history and political background of the countries. Practical tips make it a handy book for business people, students and authors. The book is in the Dutch language.

Breukel,E; van Eijk,I (1999) Wereldwijd Zakendoen. Amsterdam, Nederland. Publisher Contact